Welcome to our Popular Political Party in New York. Join Our Team
80 Brooklyn Street, New York. USA

The Choice for Change
The Change We Need


The Choice for Change

After hearing calls for change from members, we have assembled a team to run for leadership positions: CTA President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We understand your need for more transparency, more engagement, and strong support for all groups. We are here to create a new direction of visible leadership, and an informed, involved membership. We see a better, brighter future for OUR union.

Jack, Rhonda, Matt & Sharon

It’s Election Day!!!

Election day is upon us. You asked for change, our slate has made change possible. Our message is clear. We insist on transparency, communication, and giving back. You will get […]

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Statement from Jack

Over the last 5+ years, I’ve heard many of you, our members, express the desire to have the option to elect alternative leadership in our union.  This election, you will.  […]

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Statement from Rhonda

If elected Vice President of CTA, I am committed to ensuring that our union is dedicated to member engagement, transparency, and providing strong support for teachers. These principles are the […]

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The Change We Need

We would like to introduce our team that is representative of all educational levels: high school, middle school, and elementary. It is our intention to be an inclusive, refreshing change by building a stronger transparent and engaged membership.

Candidate for President

Jack Santangelo

Jack Santangelo

Math Teacher
Western Hills Middle School

Candidate for VP

Rhonda Marro

Rhonda Marro

English Teacher
Park View Middle School

Candidate for Treasurer

Matt Claeson

Matt Claeson

Special Educator
Cranston High School West

Candidate for Secretary

Sharon Marcello

Sharon Marcello

Special Educator
George J. Peters Elementary School


Our team is committed to change and to refresh the Cranston Teachers' Alliance.
To begin, our top priorities are transparency, engagement & support.

  • Monthly newsletter from the President and Vice President
  • Pro-active voice with district and school committee on all topics that impact all members
  • Clear communications about processes to make decisions
  • Financial transparency including income, expenses and investments
  • Yearly general membership meetings
  • President  and Vice President school visits
  • Revamped 30-Week Club Dinner & holiday party
  • Beginning of the year kick-off
  • Rallying members for union activities both local & state 
  • A pro-active voice with CPS District Leadership and School Committee on all topics that impact members
  • Active voice in state level educational issues
  • Prompt responses to members’ needs and questions
  • An inviting office and positive demeanor from union leadership

Let's Get Out the Vote
Every Vote Matters, Every Vote Counts

On May 30th, 2023 an election will be held in which every member of the CTA has voting power. Whether you are a teacher, paraprofessional, or bus aide, your vote matters and your vote counts! It holds true there is power in numbers and your support is needed.

Are you ready for us to make an impact together?

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