Welcome to our Popular Political Party in New York. Join Our Team
80 Brooklyn Street, New York. USA

Fliers?? Hmmm

Sometimes fliers tell a story that isn’t intended.  For example, your intention to show experience by listing years of union service doesn’t always manifest itself as planned.  It may end up exposing that you are complacent and stale.  Our leadership team is new and fresh, representing ALL levels (High, Middle, Elementary, Paraprofessionals, and Bus Aides – Matt and Sharon are Special Educators who work with Paraprofessionals and Bus Aides on a daily basis).  Listing meetings that were never followed through on (Elementary concerns/Conditions), can expose one’s inability to negotiate without the “fight”.  Our opponents have asked the question, “Who do YOU want Fighting on YOUR behalf?”.  My question is, why does it always have to be a fight?  Oftentimes you can accomplish great things with professionalism, transparent communication, and collegiality.  It doesn’t always have to be confrontational.  Stay tuned for more posts!


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