Welcome to our Popular Political Party in New York. Join Our Team
80 Brooklyn Street, New York. USA


There isn’t currently a Related Service Provider or a Bus Aide on the Executive Board (and adding one now would be painfully obvious).  Also, there isn’t currently an active elementary teacher or special educator in the officer ranks.  Fun FACT!

Only one incumbent officer offered to debate and that was for Vice President.  When Rhonda was approached by the current Vice President, she responded by saying no, we are a team and we don’t work in a silo.  The topic was never brought up again by our opposition.  The message we got from that was that the other three opponents didn’t want to debate.  At this point in the campaign process, we are very confident with where we are and are using other means/events to engage our members.  Fun FACT!

Our opposition frequently mentions “past experience”.  FYI – Rhonda and I have many years of experience and institutional knowledge.  Matt and Sharon are eager to learn and represent.  The difference? – Our past experience will be used to ignite our Union’s future, not just inform it.  Fun FACT!

Dedication. Stability? Honor? Integrity? – Other than the question marks, I have nothing to add.  Fun FACT!

Attending , Representing & Advocating at All Meetings for All Members is the responsibility of the officers.  It shouldn’t have to be stated!  Fun FACT!

And lastly, I will ask our members to answer the following for themselves;  Is the CTA office welcoming for All Members?  Are elected Officers Always available to support and listen as needed?  Our opponents say yes.  What do you say?

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