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80 Brooklyn Street, New York. USA

Get To Know Your Candidates: Rhonda

I am running for Vice President of the Cranston Teachers’ Alliance with a vision to provide members with the opportunity for choice, change, and revitalization of our union. If elected Vice President, my primary goal would be to promote solidarity among members by fostering a stronger, more supportive community within the union. Through collaborative efforts, open discussions and attentive listening, we can work together to have our voice heard in developing Cranston education policy and to improve conditions in which we work.

As we embark on this new journey, I want to take the opportunity to introduce myself a little more personally. Since this type of an election predates my teaching experience, I feel it’s important to share some additional information about myself. To begin, I have been married to my husband, Bob, for 14 years and have a blended family consisting of my son, Tommy, and daughter in law, Colie, short for NIcole- both 33, my daughter, Danielle, who is 27 years old and her longtime boyfriend Joey, 33. Additionally, NIck, aged 25 lives with us in Warwick, close to Rocky Point along with my mother-in-law Maureen and our 9 year old rescue dog, Stella.

One of my most favorite pastimes is loving, squeezing, and playing with my 8 month old twin grandchildren. Please meet my granddaughter, Siena Jo , and my grandson Leo Thomas. They are the most precious, tiny humans ever! She loves to babble on telling her story, her way and he loves to let out great big belly laughs. They both make my heart swell.

Another fav, definitely not on level with the twins, but my other passion is food. Whether watching The Kitchen on Food Network, creating the most delicious dishes, or simply going out to try new foods, I love it all! Especially anything pasta! Recently, I’ve tried my hand at baking, not as adept as let’s say dinners, but I’m holding my own! When Tommy and Colie come in from Long Island- yes the twins are three and a half hours away-yet not an airplane ride away- they like to challenge me to make different dishes like homemade stuffies and clams casino, sarto de riso, or ramen. As you can tell, I love a challenge!

Definitely, I am the one the grandies are going to run to when I say let’s go to the blueberry farm down the way and make all foods blueberry! As your Vice President I will bring the same level of passion in making a difference. Thanks for reading!


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