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It’s Election Day!!!

Election day is upon us. You asked for change, our slate has made change possible. Our message is clear. We insist on transparency, communication, and giving back. You will get all three and more with us. Vote for the CTA Refresh slate of Jack, Rhonda, Matt, and Sharon!

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Statement from Jack

Over the last 5+ years, I’ve heard many of you, our members, express the desire to have the option to elect alternative leadership in our union.  This election, you will.  If elected, I will bring a strong, stable voice to all aspects of our Union’s interests.  Whether it be interactions with you, our members, Cranston Public Schools’ central administration, Cranston Public Schools’ School Committee, City of Cranston City Council, Cranston Mayor, State level elected officials or our State Federation, the Rhode Island Federation of Teacher and Health Professionals and our National Federation, The American Federation of Teachers, I will bring…

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Statement from Rhonda

If elected Vice President of CTA, I am committed to ensuring that our union is dedicated to member engagement, transparency, and providing strong support for teachers. These principles are the cornerstone of our union and are essential for our continued success. First and foremost, member engagement is crucial to our union’s success. It is essential that we have a strong and active membership base to advocate for our collective rights and interests. To achieve this, we need to create more opportunities for open dialogue and communication between our members and the union leadership. Whether it be town hall meetings, online…

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There isn’t currently a Related Service Provider or a Bus Aide on the Executive Board (and adding one now would be painfully obvious).  Also, there isn’t currently an active elementary teacher or special educator in the officer ranks.  Fun FACT! Only one incumbent officer offered to debate and that was for Vice President.  When Rhonda was approached by the current Vice President, she responded by saying no, we are a team and we don’t work in a silo.  The topic was never brought up again by our opposition.  The message we got from that was that the other three opponents…

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It’s Meet and Greet Time!!!

Just a reminder that our Meet and Greet event is Thursday, May 18th from 3:00 - 5:30 at the Park Place Cafe and Comedy Club, 848 Park Ave, Cranston. We will have the cash bar open for beverages and some goodies to enjoy. We hope to see many of our members!!!

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Fliers?? Hmmm (con’t)

In my previous post I spoke of fliers sometimes telling an unintended story.  I’d like to address another bulleted item on our opponent’s flier.  It states, “Stability in Leadership, Established Working Relationships, Competent Banking/Auditing Skills & No-Nonsense Negotiators!”. Let’s begin with “Stability in Leadership”.  In order to speak of stability, one needs to know its definitions:  firmness in position (complacency), Continuance without change (complacency), steadfastness; constancy, as of character or purpose (interestingly the sentence dictionary.com uses for this one is, “The job calls for a great deal of emotional stability.”  I have nothing to add). Second is “Established Working Relationships”. …

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Get To Know Your Candidates: Sharon

My name is Sharon Marcello. I am a single mom of 5 children: Marissa Pratt, Sophia Marcello, Dominick Marcello, Nathaniel Marcello, and the late Anthony Marcello; three of which are still at home.  I am a grandmother to a beautiful 18 month old whom I adore.                                        Sharon Grandson Joshua Nathaniel, Sophia, Images of Anthony, Dominick Marissa's Wedding To begin, I am a lifelong resident of Cranston attending Glen Hills Elementary, Western Hills Middle School, and then Cranston High School West. I earned a Bachelor's of Science from Rhode Island College and a Master’s of Special Education from Providence College.…

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Get To Know Your Candidates: Matt

I am pursuing the role of Treasurer of the Cranston Teachers’ Alliance.  I’ve chosen this path after hearing union members express a need for stronger union leadership.  Members work hard at their jobs and often do not receive the praise they deserve.  Cranston teachers need to feel supported, acknowledged and recognized for excellence in their craft.  We need to do a better job at underlining the urgency of fair compensation for our members.  I’d like our members to feel an umbrella of comfort and protection from their union as it should be a major contributor to our success in our…

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Get To Know Your Candidates: Rhonda

I am running for Vice President of the Cranston Teachers’ Alliance with a vision to provide members with the opportunity for choice, change, and revitalization of our union. If elected Vice President, my primary goal would be to promote solidarity among members by fostering a stronger, more supportive community within the union. Through collaborative efforts, open discussions and attentive listening, we can work together to have our voice heard in developing Cranston education policy and to improve conditions in which we work. As we embark on this new journey, I want to take the opportunity to introduce myself a little…

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Fliers?? Hmmm

Sometimes fliers tell a story that isn’t intended.  For example, your intention to show experience by listing years of union service doesn’t always manifest itself as planned.  It may end up exposing that you are complacent and stale.  Our leadership team is new and fresh, representing ALL levels (High, Middle, Elementary, Paraprofessionals, and Bus Aides - Matt and Sharon are Special Educators who work with Paraprofessionals and Bus Aides on a daily basis).  Listing meetings that were never followed through on (Elementary concerns/Conditions), can expose one's inability to negotiate without the “fight”.  Our opponents have asked the question, “Who do…

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