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80 Brooklyn Street, New York. USA

Statement from Rhonda

If elected Vice President of CTA, I am committed to ensuring that our union is dedicated to member engagement, transparency, and providing strong support for teachers. These principles are the cornerstone of our union and are essential for our continued success.

First and foremost, member engagement is crucial to our union’s success. It is essential that we have a strong and active membership base to advocate for our collective rights and interests. To achieve this, we need to create more opportunities for open dialogue and communication between our members and the union leadership. Whether it be town hall meetings, online forums, or other in-person gatherings, we must be open and transparent about our union’s actions and plans, and listen to the concerns and feedback of our members.  I encourage each and every one of you to participate in union activities, attend meetings, and share your ideas and concerns with us. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and our needs are met.

Secondly, transparency is essential for building trust and accountability within our union. As a Vice President, I am committed to ensuring that our union’s decisions and actions are communicated clearly and openly to all members. I will strive to provide regular updates and opportunities for feedback so that our members can feel confident that they are listened to and that their interests are being represented.

Finally, my slate members and I must continue to provide strong support for members in all aspects of their professional lives. This includes advocating for fair pay, safe working conditions, and access to high-quality professional development opportunities. We will continue to work towards creating a culture of respect and inclusion within our schools so that all members feel supported and valued.

In conclusion, I would be honored to serve as your Vice President and look forward to working with each and every one of you to ensure that our union remains strong and effective. Together we can build a brighter future for ourselves and the students we serve.


Rhonda M. Marro

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