Welcome to our Popular Political Party in New York. Join Our Team
80 Brooklyn Street, New York. USA

How To Vote

There will be a ballot box at each location with designated voting times and locations.

Voting Rules:

  1. Each voter MUST FULLY SIGN their name on the voter list
  2. After receiving your ballot from your delegate(s), put an “x” in the box of the slate you wish to support
  3. Fold your ballot and place it in the slot of the ballot box making sure it is fully inserted
  4. Thank your delegate(s)

Please see your building delegate(s) for clarification.



Eden Park

Edgewood Highland

Garden City


Glen Hills



Oak Lawn

Orchard Farms

Peters – Voting location is the Teacher’s Room, 8:00 – 8:20, 11:10 – 11:35, 11:45 – 12:15, and 2:50 – 3:05

Rhodes – Stephen Scappaticci will run the election with Jennifer O’Rourke overseeing the process.  Voting will be from 8:20-8:50 and 12:25-12:45


Stone Hill



Hugh B. Bain MS – Voting location is the main office, 7:40 – 8:05.  Anyone who hasn’t voted by 8:05 will have a delegate come to their room and cover for 10 minutes so they can go vote.

Hope Highlands MS

Park View MS – Voting location is Room 108, 7:00 – 8:10 and 2:40 – 3:15

Western Hills MS – Voting location is outside mailbox room, 7:30 – 7:50 and 2:40 – 3:00

CHSE – Voting location is the senior cafeteria, 7:00 – 7:30 and 2:00 – 2:20


CACTC – See CHSW for voting location and times

NEL/CPS Construction and Career Academy – See Nancy Garnett-Thomas to vote.


CTA Union Office (Bus Aides) – Between morning and afternoon runs.  This will be a secure location.


If you have a question don’t hesitate to contact us at ctarefresh@gmail.

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